Rasmiy Pakhtakor Toshkent 2025 Kit Dream League Soccer 2025 uchun hozir mavjud, O'zbekistonning eng yirik futbol klubi stilini jamoangizga olib keladi. Ushbu kit, 2024/2025 mavsumiga moslashtirilgan bo'lib, Toshkentning boy merosi va klubning O'zbekistondagi futboldagi hukmronligini ilhomlantirgan dinamik dizaynga ega. DLS 25 ishqibozlari uchun mukammal, Pakhtakorning merosini aks ettiruvchi yorqin ko'k va sariq ranglarga ega. Bu kitni ro‘yxatingizga qo‘shib, o‘yin tajribangizni yanada autentiklashtiring va o‘ynashni yuksaltiring. Bizning maxsus sahifamizda boshqa milliy va klub kitlarini ko‘rib chiqing: UZB Super League DLS Kits. Ushbu eksklyuziv yangilanish bilan Dream League Soccer sayohatingizni boshlab oling!
List of Pakhtakor Tashkent 2025 DLS kits
Instructions for incorporating the kit into your Dream League Soccer experience:
- Copy the link of the desired kit and logo.
- Open the Dream League Soccer app and navigate to "My Club."
- Select the "Custom" option.
- Choose to edit either your kit or logo.
- Select "Enter kit URL" or "Enter logo URL," as applicable.
- Paste the link you copied earlier.
- Finally, press "Confirm" to apply the new kit or logo to your club.
Paxtakor futbol klubi
Please add more jerseys for other clubs in the Uzbekistan National Championship